CWP Exam

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time is available to complete the exam and what is the goal?

You have 6 hours to hack at least 4 out of the 5 APs.

How does the exam process work?

Upon registering for the exam, you will receive an email containing all necessary information. Fifteen minutes before the exam starts, you will receive another email with detailed instructions, including the IP address and login credentials for accessing the remote server via SSH. The exam takes place in an isolated environment to ensure fair play. You will be provided with a controlled setup where you must use your skills to complete the given tasks within the allotted time. Your objective is to exploit at least 4 out of the 5 Wi-Fi networks available in the environment. Be sure to thoroughly document your steps and results for the final report submission.

Is it necessary to crack passwords during the exam?

Yes, and you need to have the necessary tools (aircrack-ng, hashcat, etc.) running locally as cracking on the server is not possible.

What prerequisites are recommended before starting?

  • It is recommended to verify your understanding of all attacks in the lab.
  • Understand the advanced attacks present in the lab or the provided documentation.

Are there templates for writing the walkthrough?

Yes, there are templates available in Word and Markdown.

Where are the passwords needed for brute force attacks located?

All passwords for decryption are in the rockyou file located in the /root directory.

How much time is available to complete the exam and what is the goal?

You have 6 hours to hack at least 4 out of the 5 APs.

Is it necessary to use SSH tunnels?

Yes, you need to understand SSH tunneling to connect to the exam.

How should the final report be submitted?

It should be uploaded to the course website in the Exam Submission section in PDF format within 24 hours after the exam ends. If you don't have the course you have to send the PDF to [email protected]

Is there feedback on the exam if I fail?

Yes, if you haven't received feedback after submitting the exam, you can send an email to [email protected] to get feedback on your exam.

How long is my exam voucher valid for after purchase?

Your exam voucher is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase (unless you bought the course in the pre-sale). Please make sure to schedule and take your exam before the voucher expires, as extensions are not available.

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